Are you a Pleiadian Starseed? 22 Signs, Traits, and Mission.
Updated 7th of May 2023
Pleiades Star System is a bright cluster of Stars in our night sky that can be seen with the naked eye…
Who knows, maybe right this moment when you stare at the stars, someone on the other end of the Milky Way gazes dreamily at a little shiny dot in their sky – the far far away Planet Earth.
And maybe it was exactly you many many years ago, before you volunteered to incarnate on Earth…
What are Pleiadian Starseeds?
Pleiadian Starseeds are people currently living on Earth their human lives, but their beautiful Souls originate from the Pleiades.
They selflessly incarnate on Earth with the purpose to bring Pleiadian Unconditional Love, Wisdom, and Healing to this long-suffering Planet.
What is the Pleiades?
Pleiades Star Systems

“The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot stars in the north-west of the constellation Taurus. It is among the star clusters nearest to Earth.”, – according to Wikipedia.
“The nine brightest stars of the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Celaeno and Alcyone along with their parents Atlas and Pleione.”
According to the Greek myth, the Titan Atlas rebelled against the God Zeus and was condemned to hold the heavens on his shoulders till the end of time.
In the meantime, playful Orion started to pursue his daughters, and Zeus turned seven Sisters into doves first and then into stars to hide them from Orion.
These seven stars formed the constellation of Pleiades.
The Constellation of Orion still pursues Seven Sisters across the night sky…
But enough of Astronomy and Mythology.
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Pleiadian Starseeds
Pleiadian Starseeds are Star Beings who previously have spent most of their lives on one of the Planets of the Pleiades Constellation which is a Home for the advanced and enlightened Civilizations both in physical and etheric forms.
They still could incarnate occasionally elsewhere in the Universe.
You can read about Starseeds in the article “Starseeds and their Characteristics”.
This is the book I particularly like about Starseeds.
It’s a long long Love Story between Pleiades and Earth…
Pleiadian Starseeds started to come to Earth aeons ago.
Traits of Pleiadian Starseeds:
✨1 Sweet gentleness

There is something unassuming and charming about these Starseeds, a sweet aura of gentle and soothing energy.
If you are blessed with clairalience (psychic gift of clear smelling), you can smell the beautiful scent of flowers, especially roses, in their presence.
This is straight to the point because each Pleiadian Starseed possesses a gift of the Blue Rose – the sacred energy of Pleiadians.
The Blue Rose is one of the special Pools of Divine Light (like the Violet Flame, Mahatma Energy, the Gold Ray of Christ, and others).
12 Pleiadian Masters draw the Healing and Purifying Light from the Blue Rose and hold it over the Pleiades.
Pleiadian Starseeds seem the loveliest and sweetest people you have ever met!
They remind the Earth Angels and share many of their traits.
✨2 Pleiadian Starseeds live with an open heart
The beautiful and radiating Love Heart is the centre of every Pleiadian Being.
They often use the word “heart”: “I feel it in my heart”, “My heart is telling me” etc.
Pleiadian Starseeds absolutely MUST love and be loved.
And the Heart Chakra is the main energy point of these advanced Spiritual beings.
✨3 Struggle with human emotions
Pleiadian Starseeds find it hard to process people’s emotions.
Emotions are biological and chemical reactions in the physical body in response to external or internal events.
According to American Psychologist Paul Ekman, there are six basic emotions: sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust.
The local to Earth human body is not natural for these highly developed and sensitive extra-terrestrial Souls.
And the emotions, triggered in the body, feel foreign, weird, and uncomfortable.
✨4 Longing to have loving relationships and children
Starseeds are often not interested in family and children.
But not Pleiadian Starseeds!
Relationships and children are super important to them.
They are dotting on their relationships and children!
Pleiadian Starseeds make wonderful, loving and loyal partners.
Unfortunately, they are a magnet for toxic people.
Natural “givers”, putting their own needs on the back burner, they often attract shameless “takers”.
✨5 Hopeless romantics
Deep down, Pleiadian Starseeds dream of romantic relationships – love, friendship, wooing, and beautiful gestures.
For ladies – the moon, roses, fairy lights, candles, etc.
Obligatory Anniversaries, St Valentines, the cards, prezzies, little signs of attention.
✨6 Laid back, calm and peaceful

Unlike Sirian Starseeds, who are workaholics and like a good old piece of action, Pleiadian Starseeds demonstrate a more relaxed and laid-back approach to life.
They love to live in the Flow.
Compare: Sirians – TO DO, Pleiadians – TO BE.
They might have less money, but they won’t work themselves into the ground.
Pleiadians will only work extremely hard to provide for their family and children.
They would fight for their family and its well-being and make phenomenal, dedicated and highly responsible parents.
A single Mum Pleiadian will do everything and above for her children.
But apart from that, a Pleiadian Being’s motto is: “Work to live, not live to work.”
Pleiadian Starseeds enjoy being in the Flow, greeting every new day and wondering what it promises to them, listening to their Soul and what direction it takes them.
Pleiadians are calm and well-balanced people.
Peace is their middle name.
They can’t stand and don’t understand conflicts – what is there to fight for?
You never win in the conflict. Both sides are losers.
✨7 Can suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth
Pleiadian Starseeds are beautiful inside out.
But they don’t realise how amazing they are!
Being modest and gentle Souls, they can become the target of abusive and narcissistic individuals who knock their self-esteem down to the floor.
Ex-Pleiadians don’t possess Warrior qualities (their Home Worlds are all about Love) unless they have learned to stand in their Power in previous harsher experiences on Earth or elsewhere in the Universe.
Maybe, one of their personal Earth assignments is exactly to discover inner strength, self-belief, and self-confidence.
✨8 Attract darker Souls and unhealthy relationships
Pleiadian Starseeds can find themselves in a relationship with a dependent partner, often suffering from addiction.
But they still stay, becoming co-dependent.
They believe that their Love saves that person and with continual help, their partner will change.
They see the spark of Light in their partner that they hope they can fan into the vast and beautiful flame of the Soul.
Spoiler alert, they won’t.
If someone ever changes, it is only through their own inner work, when they are ready to change.
And our Pleiadian Starseed confuses being used and sacrifice with love and loyalty.
Also, Pleiadians can find themselves in the tight grip of the controlling and dominant partner.
Once again, they have to learn to stand in their Power and never ever let anyone control their life.
✨9 A sweet dream of energy vampires
Beautiful Pleiadian energy attracts endless energy vampires.
They can see Pleiadian bright Light from the distance and fly like mosquitos, sensing fresh blood.
Of course, energy vampires do it unconsciously, but they love love love spending time in the company of the Pleiadian!
✨10 Interest, talent, and exceptional abilities in the Healing field
All Pleiadian Starseeds I know do Reiki.
Some of them started with Reiki and later extended Healing to the Soul level.
Pleiadians feel drawn to the Energy Healing because actually, this is a reason they are born on Earth – to bring Healing and Love to this Planet and all its inhabitants.
✨11 Sensitivity
Pleiadian Starseeds radiate out serenity and harmony and thrive on love, beauty, upliftment, relaxation, and nature.
But blessed with a Gift of Healing and being highly Empathic, Pleiadian Starseeds tend to absorb like a sponge other people’s negative energy.
They process these bad vibes through their bodies: illnesses, dark and murky thoughts, and negative feelings.
Which can lead to fatigue, physical and mental health problems.
But luckily eventually they realise it and start protecting and cleansing themselves.
✨12 Many layers
Pleiadian Starseeds seem to have many layers, like onions.
You only get to know them, and they turn a completely new facet and a new angle to you.
And they amaze themselves by learning, discovering, and rediscovering new depths of their own personality, peeling off layer after layer.
Where does it come from?
✨13 Wise, Intuitive, and interested in Metaphysics

Whilst Sirians sport the sharp and logical mind, Pleiadians shift the focus towards the Heart and Wisdom.
They “think” with Hearts.
Pleiadians are highly Intuitive and see the World differently from early childhood.
As they grow, Pleiadians develop a strong interest in Metaphysics.
They are drawn to the special knowledge, the Mysteries of the Universe.
✨14 Close to Nature, Elementals, and Crystals

Pleiadian Starseeds live in the sea of energies.
They are the happiest surrounded by the positive, tranquil, and rejuvenating vibes of Nature.
Also being the natural Healers by their calling, they often spend too much energy and need recharging.
Elementals love Pleiadians and feel good in their presence.
Elementals need Healing too!
And many Pleiadian Starseeds see not just gardens, parks, and woods, but feel Elemental folk in there – Fairies tending to the flowers, Gnomes looking after soil, Goblins lovingly supporting the trees, etc.
The whole World, invisible to limited human eyes, but felt and loved by Pleiadians.
They also have a special connection with Crystals – again feeling the little Spirit inside and intuitively knowing Crystal’s purpose.
✨15 Creative and artistic
Sensitive, delicate, and wonderfully appreciating beauty, Pleiadian Starseeds definitely have a creative flair.
Refined taste can lead them to become Designers, Artists, any profession or hobby that requires creativity.
Indeed, “beauty will save the world”.
Let’s heal this world with beauty and harmony!
✨16 Honest and standing for their Truth
Pleiadian Starseeds are people of Integrity and don’t appreciate hypocrisy, gossip, and lies.
Such a thing as a lie doesn’t exist on Pleiades and is a very very strange occurrence on Earth.
The sensitive rose buds on the surface, they know their Truth and learn eventually to protect it with Strength and Perseverance.
✨17 Often being born into dysfunctional families
Pleiadian Starseeds often volunteer to incarnate into dysfunctional families, hoping to bring a breath of fresh air into them.
Because they have exactly what these families desperately need – Love!
But in reality, it turns into a nightmare, they feel suffocated in a loveless atmosphere, neglected and abused.
✨18 Blue Eyes and Blond Hair (Scandinavian appearance)

I don’t normally pay attention to physical appearance as I believe it is superficial stuff, but all Pleiadian Starseeds I know are blond with blue eyes.
Apparently, when they come to Earth for their first stays, the natural blue colour of their aura shines through their eyes.
But after the Earthly matter takes over, they incarnate in all sorts of bodies available here on Earth.
Pleiadian Starseeds tend to be tall with slim bodies.
✨19 Feminine
Loving, caring, and gentle, Pleiadian Starseeds ooze Divine Feminine.
They prefer to incarnate in a female body.
Pleiadian Starseeds men are the real Gentle-Men who have so much Love to give!
✨20 Love colourful, flowing clothes
Pleiades are associated with all colours of the rainbow.
And when you have a sneak peek into a Pleiadian’s wardrobe, you are greeted with a collection of simple flowing clothes from vibrant colours to soft pastels, preferably made of natural fibers.
✨21 Love piggies and bees!
Pleiadian Starseeds do love pigs.
They ooh and aah at the pictures of mini pigs and dream to have one.
They probably watched “Babe: Pig in the City” and adored Babe.
The thing is the pigs originate from the Pleiades, and they remind Pleiadians unconsciously about the Home.
So bees do.
And Pleiadian Starseed might be in awe of bees and appreciate the important work they do on Earth.
They can have at home some items with the bees’ design as well.
✨22 Vegetarians or Vegans
Pleiadian Starseeds tend to be Vegetarians or Vegans.
They obviously wouldn’t eat pork.
And they are not keen on other animal products either.
These harmless Souls would hurt a fly and the thought of the animals suffering and being killed for meat makes their hearts bleed.
Pleiadian Merpeople
The Pleiadian Constellation is a Home for Merpeople as well.
You can read about Merpeople in my article about Sirius B.
Merpeople across the Universe share similar characteristics.
But they are always influenced by the energy of their Home World.
The distinctive energy of Pleiades is Love, Healing, Peace, Balance and Life with an open Heart.
Pleiadian Reptilians
One of Sterope’s Planets is a Home for Reptilians.
Now… Reptilians haven’t got a glowing reputation in the Universe.
Unlike other folks like Lyrans and Avians who have asked permission and been welcome to the Worlds of Pleiades, Reptilians never ask.
They come and conquer.
But Reptilians haven’t escaped the Pleiadian influence.
Every single Being on the Pleiades is influenced by the soft, powerful Blue energy of Love, Healing, and Balance.
Reptilians got the shock of their life when they started changing, and their hearts began opening to Love.
They gradually ascended into the 5th dimension and live now according to the Law of Light.
Pleiadian Reptilians have established an extremely advanced Civilization on Sterope.
Common Traits of Pleiadian Reptilian Starseeds:
🦖1 Strong
Maybe not physically, but definitely mentally.
They have this stamina.
They are the iron men and women.
🦖2 Knights in shining armour
Pleiadian Reptilians’ natural etheric scales look like an armour for Earthlings.
And thus they are often perceived subconsciously like the Knights in shining armour.
Often Reptilians are NOT the Knights in shining armour, not even close!
But the Pleiadian Blue Light of Love, Healing, and Peace has filled their aura, opened and expanded their Heart.
Pleiadian Reptilian Starseeds are brave, protective, loyal, and chivalrous people that are ready to save this world.
🦖3 Steely determination
Unfazed, Pleiadian Reptilians plough their way through to their goal and are the ones who accomplish tasks.
🦖4 Fantastic Leaders
Charismatic, knowing their strength and power, talented public speakers.
Influential and bold – they easily attract an army of followers.
🦖5 Loving order and discipline
Pleiadian Reptilians have extraordinary organisational skills.
They know how to build the working team with its hierarchy and supervise it, functioning like a well-oiled machine.
🦖6 Refined instincts
Reptilians feel, like the wild animals do, the danger.
They trust their gut instinct and act on it.
🦖7 Fascination with Earth Reptile Kingdom

They don’t know why (we do!), but for some reason, they are interested in snakes, lizards, and crocodiles.
🦖8 Don’t like cold weather
Pleiadian Reptilians dislike cold weather and do efforts to incarnate in warm countries.
🦖9 Adaptable
Reptilians are extremely flexible and adaptable people, the real “chameleons”.
🦖10 The heart of Gold under the tough skin
Reptilians don’t like sentiments and are always dressed in their armour.
But in the rare moments when they let their guard down and open up to you, you discover a huge, blazing with Love Heart under that strong exterior.
Every Being from Pleiades lives, thinks and feels through their Heart.
And Pleiadian Reptilians are no exception.
I bet no one has recognized themselves as a Reptilian.
Yes, Reptilians are not very popular in our Universe, and for a reason.
Nevertheless, Pleiadian Reptilians have achieved an impressive Civilization on Sterope whilst maintaining the high 5th dimension.
The Pleiadian Constellation offered a Home to Lyrans and Avians who live happily and peacefully among native Pleiadians, but don’t reside on a separate Planet like Reptilians do.
Pleiadian Starseeds Collective Mission
Each Star Nation has its own special energy, a unique “flavour”.
Pleiades “flavour” can be summarised as LOVE, HEALING, BEAUTY, PEACE, and BALANCE.
Pleiadian Starseeds Collective Mission is to bring these 5 Divine Qualities to Earth, so our Planet lights up from within to become the Golden 5-dimensional Earth.
The Worlds of Pleiades
You know you are a Pleiadian.
But the Pleiades are such a huge place, consisting of more than 1000 Stars with their Planets.
How to point yourself in the direction of your Home Planet? Your previous incarnation?
By the way, your old and wise Soul has a very long trail of incarnations, maybe not only on Pleiades and Earth.
And you definitely have incarnated not on one, but at least two Pleiadian Planets.
But only one Planet feels like a True Home.
To get an idea where you are from, get into a meditative state: close your eyes, relax, empty your mind, and concentrate on your breathing – in-breath… out-breath…
Open your eyes now and flick slowly through the names of the Stars:
One or two of them will send a message, something that feels like a subtle electric current through your body (in a good way).
I personally feel tingling, electric sparks in my fingertips.
Your eyes will widen and stop on that name.
You will simply KNOW…
That’s your Home…
Or you can use a Pendulum.
Learn how to use the Pendulum in this article.
I’m not a Pleiadian Starseed myself, but a long long time ago I have expressed a wish to learn more about the World from my personal experience.
And I have had two incarnations on the Pleiades – on Taygeta and Celaeno.
I’ll briefly describe life on different Pleiadian Planets and call them Alcyone, Maia etc.
So, Planet Alcyone means one of the Planets, revolving around the Star Alcyone.
No one lives on the Stars.
I’ll pick only one Planet of the Star’s System that stands out for me.
Pleiadian Planets
One of Taygeta’s Planets Erra offers a Home to a highly advanced and enlightened Pleiadian Civilization whose life seems like a Paradise.
They are physical and have Scandinavian appearances, but taller than us.
Our future 5-dimensional Earth life will be based on Pleiadian Erra’s and Sirian experience but with our own Earthly twist.
Lots of Lyrans joined Pleiadians, fleeing their own destroyed Planet.
Lyrans (Felines) mostly settled on Taygeta and later started to incarnate in an etheric body on Alcyone as well.
But I want to talk about a different Planet, making its way around Taygeta’s binary Stars that I have called my Home for around 1000 years.

Physical life doesn’t exist on this Planet because of its harsh conditions (too cold).
Souls incarnate into etheric 8-dimensional bodies.
The Planet, covered in ice, offers respite and purification, philosophical and unhurried life.
My reason for incarnation there was a wish to experience life in a higher dimensional body.
After about 1000 Earth years of blissful and happy life, I decided it was time to go.
And I withdrew from that beloved world of Taygeta, in our understanding I died.
But happy memories of Taygeta are encapsulated deeply in my aura.
Ever since I love everything about snow and ice.
The film “Frozen” awakened nostalgia, hidden deeply in my Soul.
If you ask me about my dream destination, they are Finland, Norway, or Iceland.
And one of my happiest childhood memories is me and my friend, holding hands and falling simultaneously on our backs in a massive, fluffy, and soft snow drift and lying silently there, looking up at the black sky full of shining stars.
After Taygeta, I decided to get more physical and incarnate on one of the Planets where physical life is possible.
Celaeno is a green and black Planet with water covering about 40% of it.
There is always daylight, and such a thing as night doesn’t exist.
The Kingdom of Plants thrives on Celaeno, also Insects, and the Kingdom of Microorganisms – bacterias and microbes.
Unfortunately, the Planet is seismically active, experiencing Celaeno quakes and Volcanoes eruptions.
All of that makes life on the surface of the Planet too dangerous.
So Celaeno Civilization went inwards into the Planet, establishing their territory in the Hollow Celaeno.
The Planet supplies people with infinite energy for their 5-dimensional life.
They recreated the conditions on the surface – about 40 air temperature, always light, plenty of plants (their Hollow Celaeno plants don’t require Solar, I mean Celaeno light), and lakes.
You don’t feel like a mole trapped miles and miles underground.
The Hollow Celaeno people live in love, harmony, and balance with their Planet.
And Celaeno loves them back, protecting, supporting, and enriching their lives.
On the Pleiades people make their conscious decision to die, so I have decided my time was over after about 500 joyful years on (in) Celaeno.
In this lifetime, it’s hard to figure out the signs you’ve been used to living on Celaeno.
Your surroundings are spacious and airy, you can see the sky (artificial effect though).
So nothing really rings a special bell for Celaeno.
Disclaimer: I have never lived on Alcyone and the other Planets, described below.
All information is received via Astral Travel, Akashic Records, and directly from my own and Pleiadian Guides.
So if something doesn’t seem right, blame the Guides, not me, lol.
Alcyone is the brightest Star of the Pleiadian Cluster, and physical life on its Planets is not possible.
Life in etheric form thrives on Alcyone though, and many highly evolved Pleiadian Starseeds originate exactly from this high vibrational 7-dimensional Planet.
Examining the Planet with your physical eyes, Alcyone doesn’t impress.
Very yellow, uneven surface, hills, mountains, valleys, canyons.

Move your eyes upwards now – the empty sky with no clouds.
But tune into your etheric body and open your eyes again – the picture changes drastically!
Wow! The riot of colours, lush plants, and birds.
The structure is still the same – a very uneven landscape, but you see the rivers flowing along the valleys, and forests.
Buildings with intricate symbols, each one looking like a piece of Art.
Alcyone is a sort of the Capital of Pleiades, famous for its Temples offering deep Soul Healing.
Beings from all over the Universe come to Alcyone to rest, heal and rejuvenate.
It’s a popular holiday destination for Intergalactic tourism and a famous resort.
Even the Council of Light stays on Alcyone whilst visiting the Pleiades.
Atlas and Pleione
Both are Planets completely covered by water.
Their vast oceans provide a Home for Merpeople and intelligent Dolphins.
Of course, marine life thrives as well.
The only difference is the vibrational level – Pleione’s water folk enjoy a 5-dimensional life.
While Atlas Merpeople stepped up the game.
They manage to sustain 6-dimensional physical bodies which is actually a miracle!
Because the 6th vibrational level is not really compatible with a physical body.
All other physical Pleiadian Beings are 5-dimensional.
Perhaps, the water element helps…
Another Planet with very high seismic activity, so the locals have developed technology, allowing them to live inside the Planet, the Hollow Maia.
A breathtaking Planet with vast forests inhabited apart from humanoids by intelligent Healing Trees (that are not plants!).

Everyone on Electra has their own beloved Tree – their special Friend.
They form an unbreakable bond with the Tree that lasts beyond lives and incarnations.
Have you always been drawn to the Trees and felt how special they are?
Maybe Electra has been your Home in the past.
Even if Electra is just another Celestial body for you, find your own Tree on Electra and make a connection.
The Tree will reach you through space and time…
Close your eyes and establish which colour your Tree is.
The Worlds of Pleiades are uplifting and colourful.
And the local Trees sport very bright colours – pink, lilac, violet, blue, orange, gold etc.
Now you know the colour, see your Tree – huge, with a thick trunk (looking like a 500-year-old oak).
Touch your Tree, feel its loving and warm energy, flowing through your hands and arms into your body and drawing you in…
Find yourself inside the Tree with its colourful energy surrounding you.
The Tree scans your energy and starts the Healing Session.
Don’t rush, spend some time inside the Tree, relax, and feel that the burden of your Earthly problems is lifted gently off you.
Relax and let it be…
Next, you find yourself standing in front of your Tree again.
Stroke and thank it for the Healing.
You can come back to your Tree whenever you want to.
Or simply keep its image on the back of your head.
My Tree is golden orange coloured.
When I feel unwell or simply down, I see the orange colour and the Tree’s shape with my mind’s eye…
And I know the Healing has begun.
Sterope is a Home to Reptilians who have arrived here from another Universe.
The Planet’s hot and dry climate suits these scaly Star Beings down to the ground.
Generally, Reptilians have a terrible reputation.
But not all Reptilians are bad boys and girls.
Some of them have turned their reputation from “terrible” to “terrific”!
Despite their looks, Pleiadian Reptilians are the ascended, 5-dimensional, highly advanced, and peaceful Beings living from their Hearts.
Pleiadian Council of Light, or 12 Pleiadian Masters, have decided to establish Pleiadian Libraries of Light and Spiritual Academies on Sterope, giving credit to Pleiadian Reptilians for their amazing organizational skills.
The only Pleiadian Star System that hasn’t got intelligent life.
There are no physical or etheric communities.
Merope is a 6-dimensional world, very cold, similar to Taygeta’s Planet where I’ve been used to living.
Pleiadian Starseed Mission and Purpose
Pleiadian Starseeds come to Earth to bring Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Balance, and Healing.
And their Purpose on Earth stems from these 5 Divine Qualities they possess.
✨1 Healing
They are natural Healers, radiating gentle blue soothing energy.
Many of them do Reiki, some feel drawn afterward to the Healing on the Soul level.
But essentially every second of their life Pleiadian Starseeds perform Healing, anywhere they are, emanating the Healing energy and changing the vibration of anything they touch – their surroundings and Planet Earth.
✨2 Traditional medicine and care sector
Of course, Pleiadian Starseeds can choose the traditional professions of the Doctor, the Nurse, or the Care Assistant.
✨3 Channeling
Pleiadian Starseeds can take an interest in Channeling – directing through themselves a powerful stream of energy and Healing with Words.
✨4 Art
Part of Pleiadian Starseeds is born to heal through the Art, channeling amazing pictures, and healing through colours.
✨5 Design
Gifted with the refined perception of Beauty, Pleiadian Starseed can build a career around Design – Graphics, Interior, Exterior, Landscaping, and Clothes.
✨6 Music, Dancing, Sport
Music is another way of Healing.
Music and dancing are the powerful ways of Healing, practised by some Pleiadian Starseeds.
And Sport, celebrating the amazing beauty and power of a body and the value of community.
✨7 Shamanism, Witchcraft
Understanding and being close to Nature, feeling its energy, a change of seasons, Moon’s phases, many Pleiadian Starseeds are drawn to shamanism, witchcraft, and healing with natural remedies.
✨8 Strong interest in Metaphysics and Psychic Abilities
From early childhood, Pleiadian Starseeds want to look deeper into the matter, to see beyond things.
Sharp Psychic Abilities can lead to choosing a path of Psychic Reader, including Soul Reading.
✨9 Protecting Environment
They love Nature – rivers, seas, mountains, sky, clouds, forests, animals, and plants.
The bad weather doesn’t exist for them.
They like watching the rain.
“I’m singing and dancing in the rain” sounds very Pleiadian.
Pleiadians love the first snow when they wake up in the morning, and all is white, looking like a Christmas Postcard.
And especially they are thrilled to watch the thunderstorm, feeling the Power of Nature – flashes of lightning and thunder.
No one Star Nation feels, lives, and breathes the energy (aka electricity) as well as Pleiadian Starseeds do.
✨10 Working with Animals
Pleiadian Starseeds often act as Animals Advocates and Protectors.
The vet is a perfect profession for a Pleiadian Starseed, also other jobs around the animals.
✨11 Gardening
Pleiadian Starseeds make wonderful Gardeners, definitely blessed with green fingers.
They probably can grow a blossoming garden even in the Sahara desert.
Their exquisite perception of beauty and harmony can lead them to a Garden Landscape Design career.
✨12 Counselling
Wise, loving, peaceful, and well-balanced, Pleiadian Starseeds excel at Counselling.
✨13 Working with Crystals
Understanding the Crystals’ energy and communicating with them, also making beautiful jewelry, and combining Healing and Art.
✨14 Working for well-being of the Community
Pleiadians live in big communities where there is no separation, and everyone is precious and valuable, loved and respected.
They would love to recreate it on Earth, working in the local Council, the Church, the Charity, as Social Workers.
They might take an interest in writing, as books have the power to influence a large number of people.
History of Pleiadian Starseeds on Earth
The love affair between Pleiades and Earth started aeons ago.
Pleiadians have been amongst the first Starseeds to set foot (etheric one) on Earth in Mu times, the Age preceding the Lemurian Era.
And they gifted their Pleiadian DNA to the people of Earth.
To recall, Earth went through many Eras and knew many ancient Civilizations:
Agala – a newborn baby Planet, precious and naked;
Petranium – first Starseeds arrived to seed Africa in a physical form;
Avalon – the lost Civilization with territory, covering England, Wales, Ireland, France, Belgium, North Germany, much of Poland, the Avalon peninsula in Canada, and part of North America.
Mu – the ancient Civilization in the Pacific Ocean in the etheric form, preceding Lemuria, 4-5-dimensional;
Lemuria – 5-dimensional Civilization, Earth continued to blossom, and God fulfilled Lemurians’ wish to live their lives in physical bodies, maintaining the connection with Divine and loving Earth and its Nature;
Atlantis – an unbelievable technology was introduced on Earth.
Sadly by the end of the Atlantis Era people forgot God and started to worship Power and Money, which led to the imminent fall of Atlantis.
And Earth entered long, dark, and disturbing times – the Middle Ages…
So Pleiadians watched with genuine interest the young Planet Earth.
When conditions on Earth became stable, they enquired the Council of Light of possibility to be born on Earth in an etheric body with the purpose to learn about another Planet and bring their Love to it.
Every young and growing organism needs Love, even the Planet does.
Pleiadians hoped that it would be a long, happy, and blissful time for them and the Earth.
Indeed, the Love they poured into Earth returned to them multiplied!
They really were times when every step Pleiadians took on this Planet lit up golden.
First Pleiadians arrived on Earth in Mu times.
They weren’t the mass incarnations though, but rather the rare occasions.
Pleiadians were largely outnumbered by other Star Nations.
Gradually the ratio has changed.
And the Lemurian Era officially started on Earth with Pleiadian Starseeds making up about 75% of its population.
After years of etheric living, Lemurian Pleiadians wanted to experience more and take their life on Earth to a whole new level.
They yearned to not just etherically love Earth, but feel it physically.
By the way, Earth was inhabited by animals already.
And God was allowing for a long time for Spirits to enter the bodies of animals – only if the animal does give its permission on the Soul level – for a little while.
So Star Souls could physically FEEL Earth: the wind, the temperature of the air, the ground under the feet, working muscles whilst running, and how the food tastes.
Maybe you have a weird feeling that you have been an animal a long long time ago, the subtle memories?..
Maybe your body memory kicks in?
You take a strange pose sometimes like some animal?
They are memories of times when you as a Spirit were allowed to come into the body of the Animal to see through their eyes and feel.
You were kindly welcomed by the Animal’s Soul to enter its world.
You could come and go as you please.
Animals have been respected and treated as absolutely equal to people.
Unfortunately, some Souls became trapped in the Animals’ bodies.
And God stopped that experiment…
Later God introduced the first Lemurian Adam and Eva – Pleiadian dream came true to get physical form on Earth.
Choosing simple life, loving, understanding, and respecting Nature and the Planet, Lemurian Religion was Love, Wisdom, and Kindness.
The 5-dimensional Lemurians maintained the connection with the Stars, the Universe, and Divine and possessed mind-boggling Psychic Abilities and Powers.
Lemurians had a special Affinity with Crystals.
They left an amazing inheritance, a gift for us inside Earth – the Lemurian Crystals.
Lemurians had the ability to materialize and dematerialize physical objects.
They solidified the Light and turned it into the Crystals.
Positioned in Earth, these Crystals healed the Planet and helped Earth’s grid system.
Lemurians loved our Planet so much, they predicted the New Golden Age on Earth and wanted to contribute to it.
Lemurian Crystals are surfacing in this time, reminding us of the incredible Lemurian Civilization.
Whilst Lemurian Civilization has been almost purely a Pleiadian affair, the Atlantean experiment included mixed folks from Multi Galactic Nations with around 30% of Pleiadians.
Atlantis turned into a successful, technologically mind-blowing, blossoming, and rich Civilization.
Lemuria and Atlantis co-existed for a while.
At some point, Lemurian Elders got the knowledge that Lemurian time is over, and its territory as a result of a natural cataclysm is supposed to collapse and disappear underwater.
When it happened exactly as it was predicted, all Lemurians were long gone to start a new life elsewhere.
Some of them joined Atlantis, attracted by the high level of life.
After the fall of Atlantis and its continent descending underwater, Pleiadian Starseeds moved to the new lands, where they mixed with local people and shared their incredible knowledge and wisdom.
The areas they moved to:
# the west, forming the Native American culture.
The ancient Cherokee legend reveals that their ancestors have come from the Pleiades;
# Hawaii;
# New Zealand;
# Australia.
Tall, with blue eyes and golden hair, Atlantean Pleiadians seemed like Gods to the local people.
Pleiadians taught to love and honour the land they walk on and everything living on it.
Fast forward to the Middle Ages…
New Souls from the Pleiades stopped coming to Earth (and we don’t blame them!).
Only the Old Pleiadian Souls that have incarnated here before and created Karma kept coming back.
They endured a dramatic rollercoaster of incarnations, being rich and poor, noble and nobody, on the throne and in prison…
But they never ever have been “baddies”, they simply haven’t got a devious bone in their bodies!
On a positive note, they have had a chance to spend a “respite” life in between their Earthly lives on a different Planet – to heal their Soul’s wounds.
History saw the occasional new bursts of Pleiadian Starseeds, arriving to Earth, e.g. Renaissance period with its famous Art, Philosophy, and Literature.
Basically, every Pleiadian Starseed walking this Planet right now is an Old Soul.
And Pleiadians outnumber other Starseeds.
The second biggest Starseeds group on Earth after Pleiadians are Sirians.
Here is an approximate breakdown of Starseeds on Earth:

Pleiadians – 29%;
Sirians – 25%;
Reptilians – 16%;
Andromedans – 13%;
Arcturians – 5%;
Lyrans – 5%;
Orionans – 4%;
Others – 3%.
If you are a Pleiadian Starseed
✨1 Pleiadian Starseeds see the world through the prism of pure Love, ignoring the red flags their mind is desperately waving in their head.
You often attract the wrong people, taking advantage and using you.
Luckily, eventually, you learn that not everyone in this world is worth you.
✨2 Being a generous giver by your nature, you forget about yourself, putting others’ needs before your own.
Which leads to exhaustion and disappointment.
Learn a healthy “giving-receiving” balance.
✨3 As a natural Healer, you often subconsciously take on other people’s negative energy.
You get tired easily, feel unwell, or battle through negative emotions – all picked from the others.
Protect your energy, cleanse, and heal yourself.
“Healer, heal thyself!”
✨4 Pleiadian Starseeds have an intense inner life.
You are a Dreamer, and when you close your eyes, the dreams take you far away to a land of many colours, beauty, and harmony.
Your own beautiful world!
By the way, Dreaming is one of the Lightworkers’ jobs on Earth.
Read all about it in the article “What is your Lightworker Mission and Purpose?”.
But sometimes Pleiadian Starseeds, terrified by the realities of this Planet, practise negative escapism.
Unfortunately, it can be alcohol, drugs, and so on.
Remember you’ve been born here for a reason.
You have a big and important role to play.
Without you, the Earth will continue to struggle.
Our Planet and everyone and everything on it counts on you!
Probably no Star Nation contributed as much Love to Earth as Pleiadians did.
They established the first territory of Love and Light on Earth – the Lemurian Civilization.
And the memory of Lemuria is imprinted into the DNA of every Being on Earth.
Pleiadian Starseeds have stayed on Earth, submerged in the Darkness of the Middle Ages, despite everything holding the Torch of Hope for Earth.
And nowadays Pleiadian Starseeds work shoulder to shoulder with other Lightworkers, building a bright future for Earth – the New Golden Age.
If you liked reading about Pleiadian Starseeds, you also might be interested to read:
Starseeds and their Characteristics
Can you be a Sirius Starseed, plus Sirius A
Lyran Starseeds, their Traits, Purpose and Mission
Lightworkers Mission and Purpose
Ursa Major (the Great Bear) Starseeds
Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) Starseeds
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Love and Light,
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Hello Star Sister ✨
My name is Paul and I really enjoyed your information on Lyrans and Pleiadians. I am someone that is a hybrid of both. I know a lot about Lyrans, and the war. I was there and remember the destruction. Quite awful memories that sometimes get to me. You should know that The Lyrans created the Pleiadians. All Pleiadians are descendants of Lyrans. If you would ever like to know more about Lyrans or even Pleiadians do let me know. I’d be happy to share what I know. This is my website:
By the way, I’m From Avalon as it’s spelled in Lyra and Maia in The Pleiades. Maia is the place where Pleiadian culture was formed, I should know being a Prince on that planet. Ask your guides about The Palace of Peace on Maia in the Pleiades. I’m Paul Winchester, better known as Starlord, The Prince of The Lyrans of Avalon and Pleiadians of Maia. Thank you for sharing your love and light with the world, I’m proud of you. The light in me, honors the light in you ✨
Hello Star Brother Paul,
Thank you for your beautiful message and kind words of appreciation.
It means a lot to me.
And thank you for being a gift to this world.
I honour the place in you in which the entire universe dwells,
I love this article, resonates on all levels, best article on Pleiades in my humble opinion. Thank you for writing it.
Thank you so much for your kind words of appreciation.
It means the world to me.
Lots of Love,
This! Answered all my questions in 10 minutes than 53 years of searching since my incarnation on Earth has allowed me to find. As a Pleiadian Starseed myself, I would like to thank you so much for writing this.
Kind Regards
Cosmic Being
Awww… Thank you so much!
So pleased you loved my article and it answered your questions.
Love and Blessings,
Hi I regonise myself as a starseed there’s any association in Belgium
Where starseed can meet up
And share experiences
I live in the UK myself and don’t know of any Starseeds Associations in Belgium.
I don’t even know about any of them in the UK.
But the idea is fantastic!
I keep thinking for a long time to run a Membership site for Starseeds, where we could keep together.
Also, I thought of the Spiritual Retreats, when a small group of people can meet up in a real life.
Lots of Love,