Urmah Star Race
‘The sole advantage of Power is that you can do more good.’
~ Baltasar Gracian ~
Millions of years ago, just before their beloved Planet was destroyed (and they knew beforehand it would perish), Feline Beings of Lyra were faced with a dilemma:
😾 to stay with their World till the very end and die with it (they were not scared of death as the Soul is eternal, and only their physical body would die)?
But who knows, maybe after there wouldn’t any Feline bodies available to re-incarnate, it took aeons to develop their beautiful bodies.
And it would mean the end of the Feline Race..
😾 or maybe to board the Spaceships and save their folks?
Some of them refused to leave and died with the Planet.
But others left on the Spaceships for a new adventure to build a different future for Lyrans, taking course to Sirius A and Taygeta (in the Pleiades Constellation) directed by the Council of Light.
We will follow the Lyrans who called Taygeta their second Home.
Pleiadians welcomed them with open arms and made them feel loved, respected, and appreciated.
Soon, the colony of Lyrans became an integral part of Taygeta as if they always lived there.
Lyrans and Pleiadians exchanged their knowledge and settled into a happy life together.
But soon the mentality differences became obvious.
Don’t get me wrong, Lyrans were grateful and loved Taygeta.
But their love for independence and adventures stirred inside.
And the very atmosphere of Taygeta, naturally sweet, beautiful, and lovely, started to feel too sweet and sickly to them.
The pain of losing their beloved Planet in the War was still raw.
Their Souls were scarred and called for action.

Many united in groups, learning and practicing the Art of War.
‘It will never happen to us again! If evil forces try to take over Taygeta, we can protect the Planet this time! Never again!’
Lyrans were smart and knew they had to balance their Power and Heart, otherwise, without Love, they would quickly become the same dark forces.
Being the nomads to the core, they built huge Starships, housing laboratories where their Scientists worked, gyms, temples, observatories, etc., and spent most of their time in space.
Gradually, the drift occurred between the Lyrans, accepting the Taygeta’s peaceful and relaxed lifestyle, and the Lyrans who couldn’t just settle on the Planet and craving to become the Forces of Light to oppose the Dark Forces in the Universe.
Of course, there is Commander Ashtar’s Starship, but they operate on the etheric level, Lyrans (who were calling themselves Urmah by then) planned to be the physical Fighters/Soldiers to keep the aggressors at bay.
By the way, Urmah people don’t wear military uniforms or armor as we can see them depicted in the pictures.
It’s only symbolic to accent their Warrior Nature.
In reality, they wear the usual for the Intergalactic Races figure-hugging suites of the silvery color.
What do Urmah look like?
Urmah look exactly as you expect them to be like huge Lions, about 8 Ft tall, standing on their back legs.
But their body is human-like, only stronger and stockier.
The Urmah ladies are slightly shorter than the lads and have slimmer and more feminine bodies.
Urmah do not have tails.
They are a bit darker than our Earth’s lions, they are rather brown than yellow.
Their eyes are different, more humanoid-looking, almond-shaped, and the iris color differs.
Urmah believe that their Soul looks out at the World through their eyes, and the eyes’ color reflects the Soul’s energy.
The dark brown color indicates the pure Warrior, fearless, strong, and unstoppable.
Hazelnut eyes correspond with a very smart, sophisticated person able to hatch an intricate, utterly genius, and totally unexpected plan, who works tirelessly behind the scenes.
Light-blue eyes, clear like a lake, belong to the Spiritual Leader, leading from the heart, but not ambitious.
Cornflower blue eyes inspire others and their owner is charismatic, energetic, and the born Leader.
Green-brown eyes are a sign of a Scientist with a thirst for knowledge.

And at last, the green eyes puzzle Urmah.
They are the mystery.
A dark horse.
Anything is possible, and the impossible can happen!
Urmah watch very closely the child born with green eyes.
Green eyes mean that Heaven blesses the child, and he or she will have a special destiny, an important role in the Urmah history.
What do Urmah wear?
The ever-popular with Intergalactic folks suits, fitting like a glove, very comfortable, breathable, and temperature regulating.
Umrah ladies love to express themselves through the colors of their jumpsuits.
The men are more conservative with their color choices.
The traditional Military Uniform color is silver with different emblems.
Umrah are not that bothered about their clothes and only wear the Uniform traditionally in the Military job.
When they are off, they are free to wear whatever they want to.
The Cats love and appreciate Freedom more than anything.
By the way, one of the signs that you are a Starseed is a love for figure-hugging suits and shoes that embrace your feet tightly and comfortably.
The shoelaces must be done up evenly and tight.
That was your usual outfit in the previous lives (no shoelaces though)!
Umrah live 400 – 500 human years.
They make their own decision when it is time to go.
These big Lions fully control their body and can instantly cut ties with the Soul.
When the time is close, they let their family know and arrange a special celebration of their Life.
Then they retreat to the Reunion Temple to talk to the Priest and undertake the Ritual of leaving the physical plane behind and welcoming the Reunion with their Soul Family.
After, they are left alone in the round room with the pointy ceiling, looking like a dark swirling tunnel until their Soul is drawn into the tunnel/threshold between two Worlds.
Umrah don’t bury or cremate their dead.
They disintegrate the physical body on the molecular level, and it becomes a part of the Universe too.
Where do Urmah live?
Urmah asked the Council of Light to be recognized as a separate Intergalactic Race and appoint a place in the Universe to build the colony.
They also offered their services as Private Military Company of the Universe.
The Council of Light granted their wish and offered the choice of three Planets.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t the lush and Paradise-looking Planet up for grabs.
All three Planets were uninhabitable, but the Council of Light knew that it wouldn’t be an obstacle for the advanced Cat Nation.
Urmah picked one of those Planets and were over the Moon!
Cats are individualists and love nothing more than independence.
They built two colonies on that Planet.
Urmah had to design the sophisticated dorms to go over their colonies:
First, to protect from the radiation of the Star;
Second, to maintain the ambient atmosphere inside the Dome, i.e. temperature, air, moisture.
So, Urmah still spend much of their time, browsing the Universe in their Starships, but now they have a place to call Home and come back.
The Council of Light also approved the idea to have the Private Army at their disposal.
Now, when the enslaved Nation is calling for help and petitioning the Council of Light, they send Urmah Military Forces over there.
Urmah never lost the war, and the aggressors know it.
Urmah combating the Dark Forces
‘Power is no blessing in itself, except when it is used to protect the innocent.’
~ Jonathan Swift ~

Of course, they don’t run with guns on the Alien Planets.
Urmah position their Mother Spaceship nearby and make it invisible.
They send the smaller ships, still invisible, closer to the Planet to establish what’s going on there.
They collect a lot of information.
Who are the persecutors?
Because normally the same suspects come up.
And generally, Urmah have spent a lot of time learning and accumulating information about the known baddies in the Universe.
They check the conditions and specifics of the Planet.
After, they work out the Plan.
Sometimes, they simply send a message to the enemy and ask them to leave.
This is the case if the enemy tried to take on Urmah numerous times before and failed spectacularly.
When the aggressor is stubborn and ignores the ‘pretty please’ request, Urmah have a lot of ways to encourage them to change their mind.
One of them is to stop the enemy’s equipment from working.
Urmah are the Masters of Energy Manipulation.
The other is mind control, interference with the neural pathways.
So, our persecutors get confused and forget what they were up to.
No, Umrah don’t put thoughts into someone else’s mind.
They believe it is an abuse of Energy Control.
Urmah strive to resolve the conflict as peacefully as possible.
They keep negotiating, and the enemy knows that Urmah have big guns that they won’t hesitate to use if the peace talks fail.
And Urmah don’t bluff.
But normally, the last resort is to suspend the dome over the aggressor’s Starship and isolate it.
Urmah say that the hardest battles occur in space, and in the past, Urmah’s Military Ships had been destroyed in the Star Wars.
But nowadays, they reasonably consider themselves the most advanced Force in the Universe, standing up to Galactic Bad Guys and protecting the Planets.
Urmah’s Society

Urmah live like one big Family, but separately.
They don’t make couples and prefer their independence.
Urmah’s man and female can feel attracted to each other, flirt, have a romance, spend a lot of time in each other company, and become best friends – it’s all fine!
But there is no marriage at the end of the road.
They remain free.
If one of them decides to go his or her own way without that partner – that’s fine again.
They thank them for the good times together and let them go.
And they don’t make babies this way.
Urmah consider the next generation of Cat people very seriously.
They are the future of their Nation, the Carriers of the Spirit of Urmah, the DNA, the Heritage of their Ancestors, and their Ancient Knowledge.
They have the Department/Temple of the Future Generation.
The Priest announces when this big event, a new Child, must come into the World.
Because Urmah live so long, it doesn’t happen very often.
Urmah keep the population under control.
The Priest then appoints the woman to become the Mother of the Child.
It is considered an honor to be chosen.
According to the Stars and after consultations with Spirit Guides, the Child’s Soul, the Father of the Future Child, gets announced too.
And the time of conception is properly calculated.
After the pregnancy period and being revered as almost the Goddess, the lady gives birth to the precious Child.
From the moment of birth, the Mother looks mostly after the Child, giving them all the Love of her Heart.
But at the same time, the baby spends more and more time with the Community, meeting and absorbing Love from other people.
So, the Child feels the Community as one big Family.
Also, from the moment the Child is born, they get taken away to the Temples for prolonged periods.
The Priests and Priestesses examine and watch the Child’s energy, talents, and zone of genius.
They infuse the Child’s aura with different energies…

Urmah’s Quintessence
- Freedom above all
- Strength
- Strong Will
- Independence
- Love of Travel and Adventure
- Balance between Heart and Mind
- Nobility
- Protection of Disadvantaged
- Courage
- Thirst for Knowledge and Love of Science
Urmah and Earth
Do Urmah incarnate on Earth?
Practically never before, but lately (I mean about the last 40 years) we can meet Urmah walking our Planet in human skin.
Before, Urmah would rather incarnate in the body of an aggressive Star Nation like some Reptilians, hoping to break the Darkness from inside and bring God and Peace to their Territory, starved of Love.
Also, they hope to get an insider’s view, learn more, and understand them.
But some of Urmah’s Souls when offered a human body and pictured them being a part of the final battle between Dark and Light on Earth, the unique chance to tip the scales toward the Light, do agree to incarnate on Earth.
And they are right here amongst us.
We have an influx of Urmah Starseeds on our Planet exactly at the moment, hardly ever before, and hardly incarnating here again after 2032.
They have all the qualities the Fighter Against Dark needs: bright Light at the core of their Soul, kind and noble heart, strength, resilience, an ability to “fall on the four feet”, flexibility, perseverance to go till the end, and acute sixth sense.
The Signs of Urmah Starseeds
#1 Physical signs – strong body and beautiful hair (mane-like), smooth movements, like in one fluid motion.
#2 Urmah Starseeds don’t like talking, preferring doing, the quiet power.
#3 They are unpredictable, there is no algorithm about them.
#4 Love solitude, don’t want friends and social activity.
#5 They are not a romantic type but do fall in love. However, they struggle to sustain the long-term relationship.
#6 Urmah Starseeds are the perfect example of the beautiful balance between Heart, Mind, and Body.
For many generations, Urmah have learned and practiced this balance with remarkable results.
They are blessed with kind and radiant Heart, sharp and quick Mind, and beautiful and strong Body.
#7 They are drawn to Science and Technology.
#8 Urmah adjust to the harsh Earth conditions much better than other Starseeds because they are the born Warriors and are used to being in the middle of the war.
They have a flexible nature and always land on their feet.
So, Earth seems quite all right to them, and they are adamant about getting the most and the best from this experience.
Imagine the picture of a cat, stretched out in a sunny spot, squinting their eyes and soaking up the sun.
#9 They love Nature and need to spend quality time in it to rejuvenate.
Surprisingly, Urmah are drawn to the birds, feeling unconsciously the undeniable connection between them.
The reason for this stems from the long-term relationship between Urmah and Blue Avians, sharing their love for technology and exchanging exciting developments.
Blue Avians are genius Scientists and Engineers, and both Nations are fascinated by each other.
#10 Urmah Starseeds don’t follow the Fashion and prefer to dress modestly and comfortably.
Their homes are simply but tastefully decorated, and they love textures.
Urmah don’t have an artistic bone, but do appreciate the beauty!
Umrah are highly tactile and want to feel the nice texture with their hands and bodies.
Imagine a squishy sofa with cushions, and fluffy (faux, of course!) shipskins on the armrests.
The fire energizes them, they tend to have the fireplace and enjoy the candles.
#11 Urmah don’t follow the rules either, they make them!

#12 They feel injustice acutely and will never keep quiet about it.
They jump right in to voice (roar) their concern and protect the weak.
Umrah don’t really have to protect themselves as the confident and powerful way they present themselves discourages any potential abuser.
#13 Sharp Intuition and the Feeling of Danger.
This Perception of Danger was saving Urmah for centuries in the Intergalactic Wars.
#14 Strong-headed and straight-talking when they talk, however, Urmah don’t talk much.
#15 Because of the strong surge to protect and many generations of Warriors behind them, Urmah, of course, can pick a Military or Police career.
But also, they can choose the Politics, believing that the Heart-led Leader can make a difference for millions of people and the Earth.
Indeed, Earth needs new Leaders who lead from the Love for everyone on Earth and the Planet itself.
The strong Leaders-Warriors who contribute to tipping the scales toward the Light in this last battle between Dark and Light that we watch unfolding right now.
This is the main reason why Urmah Starseeds are here at the current time.
We need them as the extra Force, fighting in our corner, for the New Dawn to emerge on Earth and the Golden Future for our Planet.

Urmah Star Nation and Earthlings
Ever since Urmah started sending its Brothers and Sisters (as the Souls) to help us, a close bond grew stronger between Urmah and us.
They are not our direct Protectors as Arcturians are.
But in their Hearts and Thoughts, they are rooting for us.
They don’t interfere, respecting our free will and the fact that Earth follows its own path.
Many people on Earth receive channelings and downloads from them.
Urmah want to share their Wisdom and warn of potential pitfalls.

In their own words:
‘Look after your precious Planet.
You truly appreciate something after you lose it.
We don’t wish you to go our way – the tragedy of the Planet being destroyed and the deep wounds it inflicted on us.
We licked those wounds for centuries.
No, we didn’t die, we hadn’t been stuck in the perpetual circle of self-pity, hatred, and blaming someone.
We rose from the ashes stronger, wiser, and more loving.
We found our way in the Universe.
But we do not wish anyone to experience what we did.
Love your precious Planet.
It’s so beautiful! Can’t you see it? Are you blind?
Close your eyes, now open them and look around with fresh eyes as if you just arrived here from some different Planet.
It has every Delight and so much Abundance for people to enjoy every second of their stay on Earth.
Breathe in, look around, and realise how lucky you are to be alive on that Planet right now.
We are here, just a thought, just a feeling away from you.
We believe in you.
If you need our Loving Assistance, ask.
Health, Clearance, Encouragement, Strength, Wisdom, Decisions, and so much more – connect with us.
And our energy will flow intermingling with yours.
The Universe contains a myriad of Star Nations, but we all are One.
We are You, and You are Us.
We open our Hearts and our Minds to you.
Loving, Blessing, and Fighting in your corner Always,
Urmah, your Galactic Brothers and Sisters.’
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Love and Blessings,
Irina and Urmah
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