Waking up at 3 am (Spiritual Meaning)
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill where two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You open your eyes, it’s pitch black and very quiet.
Your clock shows 3 am (basically anything between 2 and 4 am).
And you can’t go back to sleep.
What the matter with you?
Apart from the natural need to visit the bathroom and possible health reasons, there is the deep Spiritual Meaning behind waking up in the middle of the night.
The boundary between the physical and Spiritual Realms is the thinnest, and the door is wide open at 2 to 4 am, which makes communication between the two worlds much easier.
Waking up at 3 am means your subconscious mind being super busy interacting with the invisible world.
These activities (e.g. exchange of messages with your Spiritual Guides, Angels, Loved Ones passed over) can become so intense that they wake you up.

In your “awake” state subconscious mind moves quickly backstage, pushing your conscious mind forward.
And you stare at the darkness, confused what on Earth you are awake for!..
I believe that we go through at least three stages every night in bed:
#1 When we first drop off to sleep, our subconscious works with everything that’s happened to us that day.
Whilst our conscious mind is snoring away, the subconscious one takes over and sorts out all the information – our thoughts, feelings, emotions, other people’s energy – in different piles and puts them away on the “shelves” in our “inner warehouse”, pushing them deeper into our aura.
Tomorrow will be another day!
That’s why it’s so important to clean yourself energetically before you go to sleep.
You don’t want negative vibes to muddle your precious energy system.
Simply say:
“Archangel Michael, please clean all my bodies – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – and cut the cords of negative attachment.
Thank you, Archangel Michael.
I love you.”
So for the first part of the night, our subconscious mind sorts out and deals with the information collected during the day.
#2 The time between approximately 5 am and till you wake up, the special time when your subconscious mind access directly the information about your nearest future.
Pay attention to your dreams, especially if they are vivid and you still remember them when you wake up.
Process them in your conscious mind instantly, otherwise, they will fade and fizzle away in your brain.
You won’t be able to recall these precious clues to your close future.
If you can’t understand the meaning of the dream, pay attention to your feelings.
If you feel happy and elated, something wonderful is coming into your life.
Feeling worried? Life is going to present you with a new challenge. Oh well…
Never mind, hopefully, it is a teeny tiny thing…
Now let’s rewind time…
#2 We are right in the wee hours of the morning when the clock’s arrow gets closer and closer to 2 am.
Remember? “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you”…
At that point, we fall into so-called in-between time.
What is in-between time or space?
In-between time or space is a territory of transition when something has finished, but the next thing hasn’t started yet.
A void, nothing, zero…
Where everything is possible and where every opportunity and the magic reside…
The barrier between our physical world and the Spiritual Realms practically dissolves, and you can easily contact Spiritual Beings.
Even if you don’t know anything about in-between times and spaces, you still feel the magic and wonder!
I’ll give you examples:
- New Year – on New Year’s Eve when the clock strikes Midnight we fall in a void between the Old and the New Years. For these few seconds whilst the clock strikes 12 times, there is NOTHING – the Old Year is over, but the New Year hasn’t started yet. They are truly magical seconds. Make your wish now, it will come true!
- Equinox – the tipping point between Light and Dark, supercharged energetically time.
- Solstice – a turning point for day or night to become the shortest and start moving in the opposite direction.
- Halloween – a period of time between Autumn and Winter when the Autumn is nearly over and we can feel the breath of winter, the time when Spirits roam the Earth freely.
- Sunset and Sunrise – a fascinating time between Light and Dark, Day and Night. Don’t you feel the magic of the Sun, coming down or rising up?
- Mist – a territory between two elements, air, and water. Everything looks a bit spooky and creepy in the mist.
- Walking on the ground barefoot – your feet touch the ground exactly where air finishes and the earth starts. Walking barefoot does wonders for your health.
- High and low tides – the strip of sand between high and low tides that sometimes belongs to the river and sometimes to the land. Walk along that strip of sand, freed from the water, next to the river crashing its waves on a shore. Whatever you think of, affects you and the world profoundly.
- And of course, 2 – 4 am – an in-between time when the night is dying, but the new morning is not born yet. By the way, a lot of people die exactly around 3 – 5 am, just before sunrise. They fall in a void and don’t come back…
For centuries in-between time has been used for magic and rituals.
In-between time 2 – 4 am has a special name – Witching Hour.
What is the Witching Hour?
According to Wikipedia, “the witching hour is a time of night, typically between 12 and 4 am, that is associated with supernatural events, whereby witches, demons and ghosts are thought to appear and be at their most powerful. Black magic is thought to be most effective at this time due to the veil between worlds being thinner.”
“The phrase “witching hour” began at least as early as 1775. Though its origins may go further back to 1535 where the Catholic Church prohibited activities during the 3-4 am timeframe due to emerging fears about witchcraft in Europe.”
It’s worth mentioning that there are two more meanings of the Witching Hour:
the first one applies to babies and older kids when they are overstimulated, fussy, and throwing tantrums, aka “How to survive and stay sane during the Witching Hour for Mums”;
the other meaning refers to the last hour of stock trading between 3 – 4 pm, the Witching Hour, a period of above-average volatility.
What is really happening between 2 – 4 am?
First of all, it is much quieter physically and energetically at night.
Your town is asleep, no cars on the road.
Computers, tablets, and mobile phones are asleep with their owners too…
Sometimes my dogs are cheeky and ask to let them out in the garden at night.
I usually go with them and stand there listening to the night silence and watching my garden fast asleep…
So it is much easier for Etheric Beings to get in touch with you whilst there are no other interactions.
And you are more receptive to their subtle energy.
The thinner veil between the two worlds allows Etheric Beings to communicate easier with you.
Your Soul leaves the physical body, still connected to it by the silver cord, and travels extensively through space and time.

The silver cord only gets severed in the event of physical death.
You meet with your Angels, Guides, Late Loved Ones, discuss how you are doing on Earth.
Maybe you are enrolled in the Spiritual Academy in the inner planes?
Also, you might be busy getting on with your Intergalactic job – Healing for example?
If you are a Starseed, you go back to your roots and spend some time at the Planet of your origin, replenishing your energy.
Actually, Lightworkers plug in the Cosmic Pools of energy to recharge at night, like the Mahatma Energy, the Jesus Christ Energy, and others.
They really need it after spending so much energy in the daytime, fulfilling their purpose on Earth.
Before you go to sleep, ask Fire Dragons to accompany you at night.
Sometimes your Soul can accidentally stumble across and get stuck in the muddy lower Astral.
You can wake up suddenly because of nightmares.
The best practice is not to stay within your physical body at night.
Your body is resting, everything is under control…
But your Soul has to go where it belongs and get a fresh influx of Light, Love, Inspiration, Strength, Ideas, Joy, and a Sense of Direction.
If your Soul stays in bed all night, keeping your physical body company, you wake up feeling tired and low.
The indication that you’ve been out and about, rubbing shoulders with Angels and Guides, trotting the Universe, is a feeling of joy and lightness when you open your eyes first thing in the morning.
When during your night activities your feelings become very intense (and they are always intense when your left rational brain is not involved – the colours seem brighter and feelings sharper!), an electrical signal runs along the silver cord, waking your physical body up.
In a split second your Soul gets pulled back into your body by a retracted silver cord, and you open your eyes wide awake.

Sometimes the Soul jumps in the body a bit awkwardly, making the body jerk.
Maybe you can recall being in-between sleep and awakening and your body jerk?..
Also at night your Soul talks to other people’s Souls with whom you have a close bond and maybe parted at the moment.
I never thought about it, but once I heard my husband’s and his parents’ Souls talking all three together.
Only then I understood what a strong bond they share.
If you miss someone or want to ask for forgiveness or simply have a lot on your heart to share, do this little ritual:
The night ritual to speak to someone’s Soul
It works the best if you pick an in-between time: 12 pm (the old day is over, but the new one hasn’t started yet) or 2 – 4 am (when the night is dying, but the new morning hasn’t arrived yet).
The person should be asleep, at least theoretically.
If a great distance divides you, your can pick your local time or the time where your person is at that moment.
Light the candle, look at the middle of the dancing fire, and imagine the face of the person you wish to speak to in there.

Now pour your heart out, tell everything you always wanted to tell but were afraid of, or maybe stupid pride was a reason.
Tell how much you miss them, how much you love them, ask for forgiveness…
You don’t have to say it aloud, someone on your property can wake up and take interest in your night activities.
Say it in your head…
Fire will take your words over, and the person even on another end of the world will hear them.
The connection happens on the subconscious level.
The person starts thinking of you and normally gets in touch promptly…
A very modest, but powerful ritual…
But what to do if you are not interested in night rituals.
You simply woke up and can’t go back to sleep.
What to do if you can’t go back to sleep?
Unfortunately, we have lost touch with Earth, Nature, and Seasons.
In Lemurian times people have been used to live in the flow with Nature – to slow down with the Sun going down under the horizon, sleep when the world around has been asleep, and wake up to greet the Sun and the new day.
The humans have disconnected, pulled themselves out of a Natural Cycle, and now we pay the price…

You keep tossing and turning under the duvet, thinking to yourself irritatingly that your alarm will go off soon to get up for work, but you can’t doze off into slumber…
Of course, in a way it is a blessing, it means that a portal of higher communication opens for you right now.
Some sources recommend starting meditating or simply being in the receptive mode.
After writing down in your journal whatever has been impressed on you…
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But in real life, if you don’t get enough sleep at night, you feel rubbish in the morning, and your day is ruined!
No way your loving Guides and Angels wish you that!
Relax, chase all thoughts away, and know that the flow of information is being downloaded into your subconscious mind.
Maybe use a sleep mask as the complete darkness sends your body a signal that it is time to rest.

And your melatonin level increases, leading you into sleep.
I personally don’t use the sleep mask.
I even open my curtains to let the stars and the Moon shine their light on me.
Especially in the Full Moon time I feel basked in the magical, pearlescent light of the Moon.
I know it’s not for everyone, the full Moon interferes with sleep normally…
I always wanted to have the eaves bedroom with the window right above the bed, so I could fall asleep looking at the stars. In our next house perhaps…
Also to help you to go back to sleep, let fresh air in, maybe leave your window slightly open, if it is possible of course.
The fresh air does wonders!
Use the power of Crystals!
Keep the Rose Quartz next to your bed. It radiates out the loving and soothing vibration, hugging and caressing you at night.
I personally love the Tiger Eye for its protecting qualities at night as well.
I also ask Archangel Muriel to be with me and fill the space around with her gentle blush pink luminous light…
She is the Angel of Love, Compassion and Harmony.
You can learn more about Archangels from these wonderful Oracle cards:
Let her pink light envelop you, breathe it in…
And before you know it, you will be on your way to dream-land…
Final thoughts on Waking up at 3 am
You think you are only busy in the daytime, but at night you are resting in bed?
Nope, in reality, you are busier than ever at night time, roaming the Universe and shaking hands (the subtle ones) with your Guides and Angels, hugging your Loved Ones who have passed to the other side already.
The overwhelming feeling of joy and freedom becomes so intense that it hits your physical body, snoozing in bed, and wakes it up.
So it’s perfectly normal to wake up at 3 am.
Relax, have a drop of water, and get back to sleep to pick up where you left off and carry on with your secret nightlife.
If you liked reading my article “waking up at 3 am”, you might also be interested to read:
- How do Angels communicate with us
- How to invoke Angels for help
- Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of Love
- What is your Lightworker Mission and Purpose
- How to know your Guardian Angel
- What are Dark, or Fallen Angels
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I enjoyed reading. It was so interesting. Years back I was unconsciously waking up at 3am without knowing the reason or how to utilize the sacred moment. But now I don’t wake anymore except I set my alarm. I hardly remember my dreams and no memory of communing with departed loved ones.
Thank you, Elizabeth,
I’m pleased you loved the article.
I enjoyed reading, I have been waking at 3:30 AM, +, -, last knight I herd 5 knocks? I have been clean and sober for 17 months, I remember my dreams more but don’t wright them down, I should. I also have had connections with loved one’s who passed during sever storm’s, we have a lot more now a days, especially lightning.
Thank you, Steve, for your comment.